When we live nowhere else but in Our Now-ness Completely, we will have attained Living Heaven On Earth.
The more we Let Go Completely, the more that we can Hear, bringing us more and more Here.
Here and Now.
This is the very point of Great Power and Magic. The Now.
The more we harmonize and vibrate with the humming of the Now, the more Power there is to generate the manifestation of our heart’s desires.
Locking into the Now-Space switches on the magnet that draws and pulls all of these dreams to us.
If a huge Hot Air Balloon were symbolic of ourselves and our Ascension, Freedom and Fulfillment, then the ropes holding us to ground would be our mind, thinking and fears.
We all have a Hot Air Balloon.
We were all born in one!
We, as Hot Air Balloons, were made to and destined to fly high above the world. In this world but not of it.
But instead we wait in the basket boxes of our Balloon, entertaining ourselves while we believe that that is all there is. That life is IN the basket of the Balloon.
One day some realize we can fly?!? If we can fly we say, how is that possible whilst we are tied down with these ropes?
Why don’t more people have this awareness?
If we are not moving, then why?
WE must put in the work if we want to fly. WE must make the effort.
WE have to untie and Let Go the ropes. No half measures will do, obviously.
For to Let Go Completely, means ALL ropes holding our Flight to Freedom to ground must be snapped.
Bit freaky hanging on an angle with one rope still anchored firmly. Dangling isn’t fun.
Fence sitting is NEVER a comfortable experience I’ve noted.
Through my own discoveries and the observation of others.
We must keep Letting Go. When we question how much more do we have to go? Just look at your world.
Your Balloon is either snapped free and Ascending lofty heights, or, you’re still dangling, freaking and refusing to Completely Trust and Let Go Everything.
All ropes must go.
As to when? Up to us.
How long can we spend just in the box going nowhere?
When we are ready, we will stick our head up and look around to find how to move this thing we find ourselves in.
This is our Individual Evolutionary Mission.
First to discover that we are really Hot Air Balloons destined to fly.
Then, to work out and work at, freeing ourselves by releasing the ropes that hold us to the ground.
I feel once again a familiar buoyant sensation that now seems more consistent. A feeling of Magic enfolds me, pregnant with any number of wonderments and possibilities. All of which can be called upon and made manifest if I should desire it.
By Letting Go, I actually DO NOT fall down, down into the dark Abyss to my death!
Instead, I find that by Letting Go Completely, I only become lighter, and like a helium filled balloon, begin to ascend. My ascension into Heaven. This is my Evolution.
To Ascend into Heaven, is to have “Let Go Completely” enough to just simply BE.
A constant connection to our God brings God down and out into the world in its purest form, living then, Heaven on Earth.
This IS the “Second Coming”.
Others WILL follow.
It’s Evolution.
It’s Time.
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